DSC is full of truly incredible people, and we want to share these beautiful stories with you, the public! Stay tuned as we highlight important people and things that help DSC in fulfilling our mission! 


Meet Anna!

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

DSC proudly supports and recognizes Developmental Disabilities Awareness. Through the month of March, we’re highlighting people, programs, stories and projects.

Meet Anna!

Anna receives services from DSC, is a participant in DSC’s Community Day Services program, and is right at home in one of DSC’s group homes (Community Integrated Living Arrangement).

Anna is an Avid Reader

Prior to the pandemic, Anna was involved in more activities outside of her home, both at DSC and in the community. One of her favorite pastimes is reading and going to the library. Because people with developmental disabilities are more susceptible to the virus, Anna and other DSC participants are taking extra precautions during this time. Until recently, it was necessary for books to be delivered each week, but trips to the library are possible again!

Reading for Fun & Goals

Anna reads a number of books in one week. “I read 20 books this week,” said Anna. “Sometimes, I read 3, 4 or 5 books a week.” Last spring, Anna received a certificate and a medal from DSC for her reading achievements. On one occasion, we were encouraging participants to read within a specific time period and Anna read 85 books!

Her preferred genre of books to read is juvenile, large print books. Her all-time favorite book is On Top of Spaghetti, by Paul Brett Johnson. Cookbooks are another genre she enjoys. “Once I picked out a book about peanut butter, found a recipe in the book for peanut butter cookies, and then we made the cookies at our house. They were so good!”

As a way of rewarding herself, Anna said she also looks forward to purchasing a pop whenever she reaches her reading goals, especially from Jimmy Johns. “Ordering Jimmy John’s with a Pepsi is my favorite, and I like picking up McDonald’s Happy Meals in the drive-thru too. I love to get the Pokémon cards in the Happy Meals right now. “I can’t wait until COVID is completely over, so we can get out, go more places, buy stuff and see our friends,” said Anna.

Anna also enjoys writing. She writes poetry and likes to write encouraging notes to DSC staff. “I’m going to be reading and writing for the rest of my life,” said Anna.

If you would like to support Anna and others in their personal goals in recognition of Developmental Disabilities Awareness and DSC Programs donate here: https://www.dsc-illinois.org/get_involved/donate.html