Do you have a question about DSC? If so, you have come to the right place. This section attempts to answer the questions most commonly asked by our constituents. Just start by following one of the links below.
If you are unable to find the answer to your question, please feel free to contact us.
DSC provides services and supports for children and adults with developmental disabilities.
As a tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation, DSC serves individuals who may have epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism, cognitive disabilities, Down syndrome, or other conditions. Individuals seeking services may experience functional or environmental challenges that require extra support to live more fulfilling lives. These challenges may include adequate daily living skills, adequate work skills, recognized social behaviors, or the ability to access community transportation.
Direct and indirect services to be provided include prevention, intervention/treatment, habilitation/rehabilitation, and support/maintenance are administered through the following program areas:
Objective: To improve the quality of life for infants and toddlers with special needs through early identification, early intervention, and family support.CASE MANAGEMENT & FAMILY SUPPORT
Objective: To ensure that individuals’ needs are identified, assessed, planned for, and monitored.RESIDENTIAL
Objective: To provide services in a residential or community setting that enable individuals to live as independently as possible.COMMUNITY DAY SERVICES
Objective: To assist individuals in achieving greater levels of independence and self sufficiency through individualized instruction and support in community settings, vocational training sites, and center-based activities.EMPLOYMENT
Objective: To provide evaluation, training, employment, and support services that maximizes independent living skills and self-support capabilities. -
DSC is a community agency, and we want you to be involved! Below are several ways you can help us help others!!
To get involved at DSC, consider one of the following ways:
We have many volunteer opportunities at DSC, including one-time volunteer opportunities and recurring volunteer positions. Click on the "Volunteer" section of the website under the "Get Involved" tab to learn more or contact Jacqueline Gardiner at jgardiner@dsc-illinois.org.SERVE ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
All board positions are volunteer and require passion and belief in our mission. The support board members give in providing direction of our agency is critical.SERVE ON AN EVENT COMMITTEE
We are always looking for community members in helping plan and execute our events and fundraisers. If you are interested in helping out with C-U Oktoberfest, C-U in the Prairibbean, or Tree of Hope, please contact Jodie Harmon at jharmon@dsc-illinois.org.ADVOCACY
An advocate is someone who helps others speak up for themselves, or listens carefully to what another person says and speaks up for that person's needs and wants. DSC's Board of Directors and Management Team firmly believe that it is our responsibility to advocate on behalf of children and adults with developmental disabilities in our state, and together, we work to lead the way in these efforts.DONATE
DSC accepts many kinds of donations, including monetary and in-kind donations. Check out the "Fill-a-Bag" page under the "Get Involved" tab for some of the items we currently need. Learn more about other ways of giving by clicking the "Giving at DSC" page under the "Get Involved" tab. -
We have a responsibility to our community and our donors and work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization. When you make a donation to DSC, YOU decide where your donation goes.
Many of the donations received at DSC are unrestricted, in that, DSC decides where the money will be allocated based on the agency's greatest need. Other donors may have a special program or project in which they would like to directly contribute, and when specified, the donations go directly to the program or project of their choice.
The best way to decide where you would like to direct your donation is to come and visit DSC! We offer tours specific to your interests and can help you learn more about DSC and where you would like to make the most difference. To schedule a tour, simply call Jodie Harmon, Director of Development and Communications, at (217) 356-9176 or email jharmon@dsc-illinois.org to arrange your tour...it promises to be time well spent!
Below are some additional ways you can donate!
DSC eagerly accepts donations of all kinds. You can check our Wish List which lists some of the most important items for which we currently have need.BEQUESTS
To those friends who wish to help assure the longevity of DSC by mentioning DSC in your will, the following general form is suggested: “I give, devise, bequest to DSC, an Illinois not-for-profit organization located at 1304 W Bradley Ave., Champaign, IL, the sum of $____ (or specifically described property).” For more information, please contact your financial advisor. -
What is your organization's privacy policy?
Our organization takes our privacy policy seriously and takes steps to protect and ensure the safety of our supporters. We do not sell or otherwise disclose information about our volunteers or supporters outside of our immediate organization. This policy has no exceptions. We do not sell or exchange your information with any other organizations, public, private or nonprofit. If you have any questions, or would like your address removed from our mailing list, please contact Jodie Harmon, Director of Development at (217) 356-9176 or email jharmon@dsc-illinois.org. Thank you for your support!
Statewide efforts are underway to expand the Home-Based Individual Support Options model and offer smaller CILA options throughout the state. DSC is happy to be working with individuals and families to develop individualized support options whenever possible.
Please call DSC at (217) 356-9176 if you have questions about any DSC programs. Click the "Resources" tab above to learn more about state funding.
Is there a waiting list?
For information about services, please call DSC at (217) 356-9176.