Fill-a-Bag is just that! It's an opportunity to fill a bag or few with items that are needed to support our programs and other items that are desired to help improve DSC's programs for the individuals we support. If you would like to donate a bag of items below or have an in-kind donation that is not on this list, please contact Jodie Harmon, Vice President of Development & Communications at jharmon@dsc-illinois.org or (217) 356-9176.
Arts & Crafts
- Paint
- Markers
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- Canvases
- Construction paper
- Paintable wood crafts
- Picture frames
- Glue
- Scissors
- Adapted scissors
- Games
- Puzzles (Large Piece)
- Cards
- Electronic games
- Sewing-related items
- Gardening-related items
Family Development - Children's Items
- Board Books (ages 0-3)
- Diapers
- Potty seats
- Outlet covers
- Baby Wipes
- Door handle covers
- Baby gates
- Baby shampoo/wash
- Baby clippers
- Swaddle blankets
- Stove burner covers
- Gerber Snacks