The Jordan House
DSC’s Residential Services offers an array of community-based residential alternatives to promote independence. Services are based upon an individual’s needs and preferences, thus programs vary in the level of supervision, structure, and support provided; however, in all settings, individuals are supported to become as independent and self-sufficient as possible.
Residential services include the following options:
• The COMMUNITY INTEGRATED LIVING ARRANGEMENT (CILA), commonly known as GROUP HOMES, provides supports and services 24 hours per day to eight or fewer adults in a family style setting. The CILA provides an opportunity for individuals who require ongoing supervision and support to live more independently in the community. DSC has eight group homes throughout Champaign, Urbana and Rantoul.

Prepping dinner
• The INTERMITTENT CILA provides up to 15 hours of support per week to individuals residing either with family members or in their own home or apartment in the community.
• The COMMUNITY LIVING PROGRAM (CLP) provides supports and services to individuals that enable them to develop and maintain skills necessary to live independently in their community. DSC operates and maintains C-U Independence Apartments, a 24-unit supported apartment building, and also supports individuals living independently throughout the community in maintaining their apartments. C-U Independence Apartments and Prairie Homes, Inc. comply with Affirmative Fair Housing regulations and Section 504 and ADA regulations.
For more information about Residential Services, please contact Lori Wachtel at lwachtel@dsc-illinois.org or (217) 356-9176.